SGT Logan’s Humor

I know there have been a bunch of you entertained by the antics of SGT Logan as we operated in and out of Afghanistan. He was a hilarious guy and warranted a mention in the book, even though he was from a different platoon. Who else would you steal the commander’s vehicle with to go and eat gator bites across the border with?

There has been a lot of attention more recently to some of the video content that features SGT Trent Logan. Yes, it’s all real! The shenanigans and tomfoolery that took place when you had a few moments in the belly of hell would parallel some of the best material out there, and with the threat of death looming over your head.

What you must also realize is that these videos are staged during portions when he knew the boom was coming (because it was an IED we had discovered and the EOD team was about to blow it up) or when it was safe enough to fool around like this. Granted, it probably wasn’t the safest thing seeing where we were at the time, but…it was really funny.

I hope you all enjoy a day in the behind the scenes life of an infantryman at war.


A Letter from Shamus


Battle of Kandahar - 1880